So I took the
Amtrak train to San Diego. The trip was interesting, a lot of it was along the coast. When I got there I made my way to the Hosteling International Hostel. As it turned out to get there you walk straight past the Hostel USA hostel, and not knowing the difference, I booked into and stayed at the USA hostel, which then meant I stayed at
USA hostels from then on until I got back to Santa Monica.

That night we went out on a pub crawl, which was fun, one of the bars was a Piano bar where people made requests and the guys on the pianos played them – good atmosphere. We ended up going to one bar where I started dancing with a girl, turns out she was a good dancer, and even more surprising was that I managed to hold my own too. So she and her friends were moving on, so with the blessing of the other pub-crawlers I went with them.
So not long after that her friends disappeared, which suited me just fine, so we just danced the night away, pulling some flash moves, and considering we were surrounded by Latino couples (who are great dancers) I reckon we did pretty well.
The next day I mucked around a bit, sorting out how I was going to get to Vegas. I booked a ticket for a
Greyhound bus – the latest one, so I could sleep on it, and then set about trying to catch up with Pam – the dancer. Ended up she was heading towards Mexico to get her hair done (why so far I don’t know). I decided since it was only two stops from San
Ysidro – the border crossing into Tijuana, Mexico, that I may as well go there. Up to that point I had been debating whether to go because every second person I talked to said it was rather dangerous. But I decided that I may as well, and at least then I had achieved/seen something in San Diego.

Anyhow I marched into Mexico (as the Mexicans don’t really care who comes in, so there is no customs on the way in) keeping an eye out for danger. I went to the main street, but felt a little nervous about it all, so I only stayed for about an hour (I also wanted to get back to catch my bus.)
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