Saturday 4 April 2020

Isolation Day 10

Unfortunately it’s a bit of a struggle providing a unique perspective on my unique experience of something everyone else seems to be going through at the moment - my experience in isolation. As interesting as I find the tasks of my day, I’m sure it’s probably not as interesting as I think it is.

Managed to get up at a decent time 7 o’clock. Decided it was a victory if I went to my chair and after doing things even if I did keep falling asleep in the chair for you my breakfast and once I woke up enough I watched couple episodes of big bang theory before tackling some properties. I have actioned the clothes I’m in my room and worked out which ones were too small and which ones are gym clothes.
Then I concentrated on moving my wine rack from the bottom of the pantry to the other big kitchen cupboard to give my flatmate some more pantry space. A benefit of this was that I actually ended up with more wine bottle storage spaces and the wine is now hidden behind other things in the cupboard.
After this victory I had some lunch I’m of of wraps with three mushrooms growing in my lawn recently and a bit of an omelette.
As I was doing this I finished series 6 of The Big Bang Theory.
Shifted my focus back to my bedroom. I fully completed dealing with the clothes and now I’m dealing with the small boxes of random stuff. At the same time I have been falling down the YouTube app at home and as I looked up whether there was a Verona (by Elemeno P) parody song because of the obvious rhyming with Corona. Some one had of course beaten me to the punch. Check it out here  -

 Tonight is daylight savings so clocks go back one hour and which is good because it should mean that I wake up and hour earlier. 
Had a good chat to my parents and later on to my brother-in-law over the phone and FaceTime respectively.

I was keen to try and do the online open mike night again tonight and however decided that as it is daylight savings tonight I would hold off another night and because as of tomorrow it’ll be dark a lot earlier and therefore a lot easier to participate just because I’m finding it hard to get around to being organise for it beforehand because obviously wants me like I am doing whatever random job I’m doing and not really watching the time.

On to book 8 for the year. Last year I only got through 10 for the whole year, but that was because I read a 500+ page Bill Bryson book (1927). It was good, but one that size takes longer obviously, but also perpetuates the problem because you lose motivation. I started the year with Shaun Wallace’s autobiography,  have read 3 Barry Crump novels, and 3 Stephen Clarke Merde (which I found on TradeMe, but they’ve come from the UK,) and am currently reading Nick Hornby’s Fever Pitch. I’m trying to read one authors works at a time, preferably in order in which they were written. I switched to Nick Hornby as I have some gaps in my Crump collection, but also discovered I don’t have a copy of what I think is his most famous (and most often found at book exchanges etc) About a Boy.

First world problem of the day
Pooping- usually need to go first thing in the morning, unless I went the evening before (generally). At the moment that doesn’t seem to be the case, and I may think I need to go, but then only achieve reading several pages of my book. Where the problem lies is I hold off going for my walk because I know that will often get the ball rolling, and since I’m trying to do 4kms a day, I don’t want to be desperate to go when I’m 2kms from home. Of course then I don’t go, and it gets to 6/7pm and I decide to bite the bullet. And yes, I’m writing this draft after such a walk, from you know where.

Other isolation observations - dude driving his car to pick up chicks, but it’s not a good time to be picking up chicks.

While there is quite a few people out walking, it’s awkward purposefully keeping quite a distance. The odd person says hi, a lot do not. I remember as a kid walking around Mt Maunganui and the majority of people would say hi, and those that didn’t we thought were snobs.

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